Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
- Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
I am actively developing and maintaining a variety of software related to Free & Open Communications Systems. The following list serves as an entry point to further explore these efforts.
- Reticulum is the cryptography-based networking stack for wide-area networks built on readily available hardware, that can operate even with very high latency and extremely low bandwidth.
- LXMF is a simple and flexible messaging format and delivery protocol that allows a wide variety of implementations, while using as little bandwidth as possible.
- Nomad Network is an off-grid, resilient mesh communication platform with strong encryption, forward secrecy and extreme privacy.
- Sideband is an LXMF client for Android, Linux and macOS. It allows you to communicate over Reticulum networks.
- RNode Firmware is flexible multiplatform firmware that can be used to turn LoRa development boards into general-purpose, long range data radios with low power consumption. This allows carrying Reticulum or IP traffic over LoRa.
- RNode Configuration Utility is the configuration utility used for installing and configuring the RNode Firmware on supported boards.
- OpenModem Firmware is a flexible open-source AFSK modem implementation.
- tncattach is a program that lets you attach any KISS-compatible TNC as a generic, ethernet-compatible networking interface in Linux.
- LoRaMon is a LoRa packet sniffer for use with RNode
- MicroAPRS is an open-source and easy-to-use APRS firmware for ATmega328p microcontrollers.
- LibAPRS is an Arduino APRS library.
- MicroModemGP is an experimental general-purpose modem implementation for the ATmega328p microcontroller.
If any of these projects have been helpful to you or your community, please donate to help keep this work alive and available.
This website is running on a 100% solar powered server
Unless otherwise noted, everything here is put into the world under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
Feel free to share and remix, just remember the attribution.
Please contribute to keeping information on Free & Open Communications systems available for all.
You can donate directly to
unsigned.io by using one of the following QR codes:


