LibAPRS is an Arduino IDE library that makes it easy to send and receive APRS packets with a MicroModem-compatible modem.
You can buy a complete modem from my shop, or you can build one yourself pretty easily. Take a look at the documentation in the MicroModem repository for information and getting started guides!
See the example included in the library for info on how to use it!
Some features
- Send and receive AX.25 APRS packets
- Full modulation and demodulation in software
- Easy configuration of callsign and path settings
- Easily process incoming packets
- Shorthand functions for sending location updates and messages, so you don't need to manually create the packets
- Ability to send raw packets
- Support for settings APRS symbols
- Support for power/height/gain info in location updates
- Can run with open squelch
- Download the library: https://github.com/markqvist/LibAPRS/archive/master.zip
- (In the Arduino IDE) Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library... > select the downloaded file > Open
Getting started
You should read through the "Basic_usage" example included with the library. It contains an explanation of all the functions and a basic sketch to get you up and running with sending and receiving packets.
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