Come on in now, come out of the rain. Don't worry, it's spacious enough in here. You might find it slightly quaint though, and we don't have any cookies left either.
Oh, and if you want to take this place past walls that it was not supposed to pass, you can always download the entire site for offline transport and distribution.
Going Fast and Slow2025-02-24Where we are, and where we're going, in terms of Reticulum performance and scalability, and some new experimental features.
Are We There Yet?2024-05-16Wow, long time without a post. I wanted to share some important information about the immediate and long-term future of Reticulum and other projects.
The Reticulum API Is Complete2023-06-03It's been quite a ride to get here, and it would not have been possible without the many contributions from the community. The Reticulum API is fully implemented.
The New RNode Ecosystem Is Here2023-01-16This release marks a milestone in the continued development of the RNode ecosystem. Getting all the last puzzle pieces into place has been quite a ride, and it's amazing to finally have it all reach this point.
Thanks For All The Support This Year2023-01-14Once again, a whole year has come and gone, and a new chapter is on the horizon. Sincere thanks to everyone who helped and supported all the projects around Reticulum. We've come a long way, and we're just getting started.
The Future of RNode: A New Model2022-06-27Over the course of the last six months, so much has happened with the entire ecosystem surrounding Reticulum, and a significant part of those improvements have come from the expansion of the RNode system.
From Here to There, or: Walls Have Ears2022-04-02Once the centerpiece in the hopes of a free and prosperous world, the Internet is currently undergoing significant mutations towards a consumption-oriented content delivery system, rather than the Peer-to-Peer network it was intended to be.
Surveillance and Your Soul, or Why Privacy Is Essential2022-02-02When pointing out the importance of privacy, a common rebuttal is "Well, I don't have anything to hide, so I don't care". This is a very grave misunderstanding. You do have something to hide. Something very important. Your soul.
RNode With Anything2022-01-27Well, maybe not anything, but let's see if we can get close. RNode is now a multiplatform firmware! That means it is possible to make and deploy RNodes for use with Reticulum, or any other software usable with RNodes, with very little effort, and very low cost. Read on to find out how.
LoRa bitrate calculator and understanding LoRa parameters2020-05-05It can be pretty useful to know how LoRa parameters influence data rate and range, for example when configuring your RNode. In this post I'll go over the basic concepts needed to understand the different LoRa parameters, and how they affect range and data rate.
Introducing OpenModem2020-05-01Today, I am very happy to announce the availability of OpenModem, the successor to the popular MicroModem project. Six years ago, I started work on the MicroModem project, and it has since matured into an solid, stable and field-proven solution for packet radio communication.
More I/O for RNode 2018-12-17You asked for it, here it is! RNodes are now shipping with more I/O options. There's now a total of 17 multi-purpose pins available on the RNode board. Have a look at the following diagram for an overview.
15 kilometre LoRa SSH link with RNode2018-06-30In the last post, I looked at running APRS over LoRa using two RNodes. For this test, I wanted to try something that would push the RNodes a bit more. I decided I'd try to see if I could create a useable SSH link over a distance of 15 kilometres.
APRS over LoRa with RNode2018-06-29One of the very convenient features of RNode is the ability to use it as a fully integrated TNC and data radio, in one compact device. In it's KISS-compatible TNC mode, RNode can be used with more or less any amateur radio packet software.
A New Board Joins the Family2018-04-06This mini-sized Arduino-compatible MCU board is really compact but still very powerful, and most important of all, super easy to use. Sporting the ATmega1284p processor, it offers lots of IO pins, 16 kilobytes of RAM, 128 kilobytes of flash, high-precision ADCs, and much more.
Digipeater Firmware2015-05-21There is now a standalone APRS digipeater firmware available for MicroModem! This means you can now use MicroModem as a digipeater without any computer or other host equipment connected.
The new MicroModem2014-12-19The hardware design for the new MicroModem is now finished, and is ready to ship! I feel that MicroModem is now at a point where it is actually a really great product.
Arduino APRS Library2014-12-18It's here! I have just released the first version of LibAPRS for the Arduino IDE! You can now write your own APRS firmwares for MicroModem or compatible builds directly in the Arduino IDE.
Prototype Preview2014-12-01I've been hard at work during the last while making a new version of MicroModem, with everything integrated on one board. Today I'm happy to present a sneak preview of the next version of MicoModem.
P-persistent CSMA2014-11-20Just a quick update, but I just wanted to say that I have added full P-persistent CSMA to the KISS version of the MicroAPRS firmware, which means, that MicroAPRS will now adhere to the P and SlotTime parameters set by the controlling software.